DiabetesDiet/Weight LossExercise and Fitness

Kujima Health celebrates Minority Health Awareness Month

minority healthIn honor of Minority Health Awareness Month, Kujima Health proudly presents an innovative approach to addressing Black women’s health – Chocolate Sunshine. Chocolate Sunshine: Shining a Light on Black Women’s Health provides both a call to action as well as actionable and evidence-based answers to that call.



To encourage Black women to engage in 30-minutes of physical activity most days of the week.

Every Queen featured in this Chocolate Sunshine Exhibit answered this call to action. Most walk, some participate in Aqua Fit, and some do Jazzercise. Most importantly, they all move! Can we count on YOU to answer this call?



1. Kujima Health TogetHER in partnership with Midland Care’s 24 For Life Diabetes Prevention Program.

This curriculum is research-based, CDC approved and has proven to be an effective lifestyle change program to help prevent or delay type 2 Diabetes. The program can also lower your risk of having a heart attack or stroke, improve minority healthblood pressure, improve your health overall, and help you feel more energetic.

A trained lifestyle coach leads the program to help you change certain aspects of your lifestyle, like eating healthier, reducing stress, and getting more physical activity. The program also includes group support from others who share your goals and struggles.

To learn more about Midland Care’s 24 for Life Diabetes Prevention Program call Donna Doel at 785-250-5210 or visit www.midlandcare.org/24forlife.


2. Kujima Health @ Home in partnership with Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s Arthritis Program’s Walk With Ease. REGISTRATION CLOSES April 23, 2020

The Arthritis Foundation’s program Walk With Ease is proven to reduce the pain of arthritis and improve your overall health. No matter if you need relief from arthritis pain or just want to be active, the Arthritis Foundation’s six-week program can teach you how to safely make physical activity part of your everyday life. Kujima Health @ Home includes culturally tailored online health education modules along with a guidebook to get you safely moving toward better health.

Studies by the Thurston Arthritis Research Center and the Institute on Aging of the University of North Carolina show that Walk with Ease is proven to:

  • Reduce the pain and discomfort of arthritisminority health
  • Increase balance, strength and walking pace
  • Build confidence in your ability to be physically active
  • Improve overall health

For more information and details on this topic visit: https://arthritis.org/health-wellness/healthy-living/physical-activity/walking/walk-with-ease/wwe-about-the-program.

As a strategic plan to address “social distancing,” Kujima Health will offer the Chocolate Sunshine Challenge #2 – Kujima Health @ Home first, then offer the group challenge – Kujima Health TogetHER later.

To find out more information and details, visit www.kujimahealth.com or contact:

Chris “The Health Hippie” Omni, MPH




Photo creditsMinority Health : Tobias Harvey and Marcelino Gonzalez III of Create Uplift.minority healthminority healthminority healthminority healthminority health

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