Event Calendar

Topeka Healthy Events Calendar

Send your Healthy Event information to info@TopekaHealthandWellness.com

Sommerset CafePLEASE NOTE: Events highlighted in BLUE on our print and online calendars are from organizations that support Metro Voice News and Topeka Health & Wellness magazine through their advertising dollars each month. Please let them know you appreciate their support of our efforts. If you are not a regular advertiser, you can still have your event highlighted in blue, in print and on our website, for only $29, and we will also promote it on social media!
FOR MORE EXPOSURE, ask about an economical display ad: Email info@TopekaHealthandWellness.com or call 785-380-8848. Our display ads are the lowest cost-per-thousand way to get your message out to our 10,000 family readers. Business-card-size ads are as low as $50 per month! Mention this message and save an extra 10%! Call 785-380-8848 for information about advertising your event.


CYCLING EVENTS – Various cycle rides are offered by Kansas Cyclist. www.kansascyclist.com/


OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES – Outdoor events and activities. www.getoutdoorskansas.org/calendar


C5Alive“PICKIN’ ON THE PRAIRIE”, a FREE Acoustic Jam at the Old Prairie Town every Sunday from 1-3pm at the historic Potwin Drugstore.


WOODSHED MARKET – Sundays 9-2, 1901 N. Kansas Ave.


FAMILY NIGHT AT COSMOS COURT – Every Tuesday, 5-11pm, Cosmos Court, 909 S. Kansas Ave. Every Tuesday night is family night – Get a 16” Pizza, 2 side salads, and 4 cups of ice cream for only $30! Also available: hot dogs, soup and more, plus table games, etc.


FRIDAY NIGHT FUNNIES – Every Friday at Cosmos Court, 909 S. Kansas. Weekly comedy show is only $15, or two for $25.


BLEEDING KANSAS – Sundays from Jan. 26-Mar. 2, 2pm, Constitution Hall Historic Site, 319 Elmore, Lecompton. A series of talks and dramatic interpretations on the violent territorial and civil war history of Kansas 1854-1865. Actors will portray Kansans from this turbulent era. Adm: $5 adults.



CLOTHING CLOSET – Feb. 1 & 8, 9-12, First Free Methodist Church, 3450 SE Indiana.  Free clothing and small household items.

Cosmos Court


KANSAS LAWN & GARDEN SHOW – Feb. 6-8, Vail Event Center. $10. Seniors get half price on Thursday & Friday


FIRST FRIDAYS AT THE MUSEUM – Feb. 7, 6-10pm, Great Overland Station, 701 N. Kansas Ave. Karaoke, board games, card games, including the digital card game Magic: The Gathering Arena, Dungeons and Dragons, crafts and activities, food and refreshments, and more. Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for teens. Children 12 and under free.


NIGHT TO SHINE BY THE TIM TEBOW FOUNDATION – Feb. 7, 6-9pm, West Ridge Mall. Complimentary prom event for teens & adults 14 and over with special needs.  For info: www.gcctopeka.org



DOWNTOWN TOPEKA CHOCOLATE WALK – Feb 7, 5-8pm. Part of 1st Friday Art Walk. Come shop locally owned businesses, walk Kansas Avenue and collect some chocolate treats along the way.


WOOD VALLEY PICKERS – Feb. 8, 7pm, Classic Bean, Fairlawn Plaza. Folk & Country, Free admission. 785-271-5005


Night to Shine

3RD ANNUAL VALENTINES SIP & SHOP – Feb. 8, 10-3, Woodshed Event Center, 1901 N. Kansas Ave. Food trucks and 42 vendors, full bar & specialty drinks.


C5Alive “POWER” LUNCHEON – Feb. 13, 11:30-1, Blue Moose. Featuring an interactive devotional and a presentation on business security. Free admission. Meals available if desired. Please RSVP to info@C5Alive.org so we know how many to expect. Open to the public – bring a friend!

SAVE THE DATE: C5 POWER Luncheon, Mar. 13, 11:30-1 at SHopper’s Kitchen.


WOMEN WHO’VE CHANGED THE HEART OF THE CITY NETWORKING/AWARDS – Feb. 13, 5:30-6:30pm networking, 6:30-7:45pm awards, Topeka First Church of the Nazarene, 1001 SW Buchanan. TUMI-Topeka invites you to be part of this event that will honor women who’ve had significant impact in our communities, and empower incarcerated women for significant futures. RSVP to Mary Flin, 785-431-6000 or maryflin@tumitopeka.org


THE WOODSHED VALENTINES MARKET – Feb. 16, 10-3, Woodshed Event Center, 1901 N. Kansas Ave.  Indoor & outdoor sellers. Valentine crafting for kids & adults, cookies to share and a visit from cupid. Woodshed Market Bingo.



TOP CITY COMEDY – Feb. 19, 7:30-9:30pm, the Foundry Event Center. $10 in advance, $15 at the door


ARAB SHRINE CIRCUS – Feb. 21-23, Vail Event Center.


Sommerset Cafe

CHILI or VEGETABLE SOUP SUPPER – Feb. 21, 4:30-6:30pm, Kansas Ave United Methodist Church, 1029 N Kansas Ave.  $10 Adults, $5 Children under 10.  Hot Dog $1.50, Chili Dog $2.00.  Dine In or Carry Out.  Dinner includes Relishes, Cornbread, Crackers, Homemade Dessert & Drink.


COMIC CONVENTION – Feb. 24-25, 10-4, Great Overland Station. Special guests, cosplay, geek boutiques, video games, board games, comics, books, tv & film. $5


KANSAS SILENT FILM FESTIVAL – Feb. 28, 1-10pm and Mar1, 9am-10pm, White Concert Hall, 1700 SW Jewell Ave.


Cosmos Court

MIDWEST CHRISTIAN COLLEGE EXPO – Mar. 1, 10am – Noon. Colonial Presbyterian Church: South KC Campus, 9500 Wornall Rd. Kansas City, MO. Sponsored by Metro Voice.


COUTURE FOR CANCER – Mar. 1, 4-7pm, 534 S. Kansas Ave. An annual fashionable charitable event supporting the American Cancer Society.


10th ANNUAL EASTERFEST: TOPEKA EASTER PARADE & FUN FAIR – Apr. 19, 10am-3pm, at Great Overland Station and on North Kansas Avenue. Topeka’s annual Easter Parade will begin at 10am at Garfield Park and proceed south on Kansas Avenue to the tracks in NOTO. Egg Hunt begins right after the parade at the Great Overland Station. Food Trucks will be on hand and the Family Fun Fair, Vendor Market, and Health Fair will be 10-3, inside and outside Great Overland Station, including vendor booths, children’s games, food, facepainting, inflatables, cake walk and more. Live music, gymnastics, ballet and other entertainment will be on hand. 5-K Run begins at 8:30am at Garfield Park, prior to the parade. For info: Topeka Easter Parade on facebook, info@C5Alive.org or 640-6399.


GRIEVING MOMS FINDING HOPE:  Beginning a 12-week faith-based study/support group in February for Grieving Moms.  Tentatively, we will meet on Thursday afternoons.  For info, contact Karen White: 913-904-6000 or Grievingmoms.com.







SENIORS NUTRITIONAL LUNCH – Weekdays, except holidays, at noon at Auburn Civic Center, 1020 N. Washington St. Minimal cost per person. Reservations/cancellations are required 24 hours in advance by calling 295-3980. Each meal includes 1% milk and sugar-free items are included for diabetics. 785-215- 0064.


THE HEAT – FREE fitness classes for the community.  Located at Florence Crittenton Services Center for Integrative Health, 5423 SW 7th St. www.flocritkansas.org Sun. 4-5 pm Yoga; Mon. 12-12:45pm Cardio Remix; Mon. 5:30-6:15pm STRONG™; Tue. 12:15-1:15pm Restorative Yoga; Tue. 5:30-6:15pm Zumba®; Wed. 5:30-6:15pm Cardio Sculpt; Thu. 12:15-1:00pm Pilates + CIRCL Mobility™; Thu. 5:30-6:15pm Zumba®; Fri. 12-12:45pm POUND


MEDICARE MONDAYS – First Mon. of ea. month, 1-3pm. Topeka/Sh. Co. Public Library (Menninger Room 206), 1515 SW 10th. Senior health insurance counseling. For info: 580-4545 or nhonl@tscpl.org



TOPEKA NEEDLEWORK GUILD – Every Mon. (except holidays) 9a-11a in the Menninger Room of the Topeka Public Library. Bring a project to work on as we share our needleworking skills and ideas. All are welcome to drop in.


SENIOR STRETCHING EXERCISES – each Mon. – Wed. – Fri., 9:30-10:15am, Seaman Community Church, 2036 NW Taylor St.  Enter on the east side of the Fellowship Hall. No Charge. 785-354-8777 or 785-213-6016


SENIOR FIT & FUN PROGRAM – every Mon., Wed., & Fri., 1:30pm, Rolling Hills Christian Church, 4530 NW Hiawatha Place (US Hwy 75 & NW 46th St.) 785-286-0601 or office@rhcctopeka.org



TAI CHI FOR HEALTH – Monday 10:00 – 11:00 at Lowman United Methodist Church and Thursday 9:30—10:30 at Topeka Zoo. No training is needed, just watch and follow. Please contact Madon Daily at 505-424-8989 or madondailey@gmail.com. To Join from Home via Zoom, contact Madon for the Zoom link and password.


Sommerset Cafe

PICKLEBALL – Monday and Wednesday, 1:00 – 3:00 pm, First Baptist Church, 3033 SW MacVicar Ave, Topeka. Park on the West Side, where the gym is located.  Requires a signed liability waiver.  SCT Membership is strongly encouraged. If you would like to play, contact coordinator Dave Mathias, davemathias@sbcglobal.net, or Betsy Thompson, betsyjthompson@gmail.com.


SHEPHERD’S CENTER BOOK CLUB – 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 2:00 – 4:00 pm at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1275 SW Boswell Ave., Topeka. Please contact the office at 785-249-3258 or shepherdstopeka@yahoo.com for the book of study.

SMS – STRENGTH, MOBILITY, STABILITY EXERCISE GROUP (SMS) Monday 9:00- 9:30 am, Arbor Court, 4200 SW Drury Lane, Topeka.  Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 – 9:30 am, Rosehill Place, 3600 SW Gage Blvd # 97, Topeka. Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 – 10:45, Grace UMC, 2627 SW Western Ave, Topeka.  If you would like to attend, call Anne Crawford at 785-273- 4527 or email anne.crawford@cox.net.

Suson Essentials

TOPEKA LIONS CLUB – 2nd Mondays at Noon at Wings, Etc. Come at 11:30 to order from the menu.  Guests welcome.

Night to Shine


TRAIL LIFE & AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS TROUPS – Every Mon. 6pm, Cornerstone Comm. Church, 7620 SW 21st. Faith-based scouting programs are kids age 5-18. Register online at cornerstonetopeka.com. For info: 478-2929.



OVERCOMER’S OUTREACH ANONYMOUS RECOVERY SUPPORT GROUP – Mondays 6:30-7:30pm, at Be Filled Of South Topeka, 200 Airport Rd, Bldg. 818 Suite 1. Led by Pastor Bill Ritchey. 785-817-2802


OSTOMY SUPPORT GROUP – First Tuesday of each month at St. Francis Health, 1700 SW 7th St, Meeting Room, 2nd floor, 6:00 – 7:30 PM.  Anyone with an ostomy may attend.  The goal is to provide education and ongoing support for individuals with an ostomy.  Contact Teresa Kellerman at 785-295-5555 for information.



DUPLICATE BRIDGE – Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:30PM at The Woman’s Club of Topeka, 5221 SW West Dr. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett play duplicate bridge!  It is great for your brain health. For info email janescola@hotmail.com.


LADIES’ EXERCISE – Tue. evenings 7-8 pm & Fri. mornings 8-9 am, First Baptist, 129 w 15th St., Lyndon. free active support: fat burning, strength, fitness. Contact Sheri 207-0380 or pamperedchefsheri@live.com


Sheridan's Custard

LIBRARY’S LEARN & PLAY BUS – Every Tuesday 1-3pm, Auburn Community Center.


GRANDPARENT/RELATIVE CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP – 3rd Tue., 6:30-8pm, 2nd floor meeting room, St. Francis Hosp, 1700 SW 7th. For info: Sharla, 286-2329; Jennie (English/Spanish) 231-0763.


HEALING AFTER LOSS TO SUICIDE (HeALS) – Topeka support group meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8, at 1st Congregational Church, 17th and Collins.  For info: Topeka.heals@gmail.com or 785-380-9309.


NARVE Meeting (Nat’l Assn of Railroad Veteran Employee) – Second Tuesday of each month at Museum of the KS National Guard, 125 SE Airport Dr, Topeka – 9:30AM.


CAREGIVERS GROUP- Caring Hearts of Hope meet 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30pm at Highland Heights Christian Church. This group will root its encouragement in God’s word and prayer as well as conversation and sharing and is open to all those who care for others with illnesses such as Alzheimers, dementia, cancer or other debilitating illnesses or injuries. For dates and info, go to “Weekly Class List” at www.highlandheightscc.com or call 785-379-5642.


Cosmos Court

SENIORS PITCH CLUB – Every Tuesday 1 pm at Garfield Community Center.
First visit free then a dollar per visit for coffee and replacement cards


FREE MOBILE FOOD DISTRIBUTION – 4th Tue. through Nov., 9am, 1231 NW Eugene St. Randel Ministries, Inc., in partnership with Harvesters and Family of God Church will have its monthly food distribution. No ID or proof of income required, first come first served. Distributing fresh produce and other items to families in need. 785-234-1111 www.RandelMinistries.com


HAND AND FOOT CANASTA – 2nd & 4th Tue., 2-4pm, St. David’s Episcopal Church, 3916 SW 17th St. Must arrive before 2pm and stay for the entire game.  Email Caroline Huff at lilbopper1@gmail.com or call 228-2447.


MEXICAN TRAIN DOMINOES – 1st & 3rd Tue., 2-4pm, St. David’s Episcopal Church, 3916 SW 17th St. Do not come before 1:45pm. Email Ottie Reed, reed7111@gmail.com, or Mary Adkins, marycatkeeper@gmail.com


MAP GROUP (MEMOIRS, ANCESTRY, PHOTOS) – VIA ZOOM – 4th Wed. 10-11:30am. Contact Rich McReynolds at rlm4017@gmail.com. A Zoom link will be sent to you.


FAMILY HISTORY WRITING GROUP – 2nd Wed. 10-11:30am, Lowman United Methodist Church, room 12.  Do you have great family stories to tell and want to pass them down to the next generation but don’t know where to start?  shepherdstopeka@yahoo.com


GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS – Every Wed, 7pm, St. Francis Hospital, meeting room #8.

JAYHAWK AREA AGENCY ON AGING – 4th Wed., 1pm, Rosehill Place Clubhouse. Monthly support group for caregivers of seniors. For info: 235-1367 ext.30.


VIP LUNCHEON FOR SENIORS – Every Wed., 10:45 bible study and meal at Noon, Topeka Church of the Brethren, 3201 NW Rochester Rd. (1 mile north of Dillon’s North). FREE lunch with Christian fellowship, devotions & entertainment provided by Topeka North Outreach, Free will donations accepted. For info: 785-224-8803 or vip@topekanorthoutreach.org


OPERATION BACKPACK – 1st Thur., 6pm, Indian Creek Elementary, 4303 NE Indian Creek Rd. Volunteers gather to assemble Weekend Snack Sacks for low-income students. Sponsored by Topeka North Outreach. For info: 286-1370.


TOPEKA AREA BRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP – Third Thur. every month, 6-7:30pm, Kansas Rehabilitation Hospital, 1504 SW 8th Ave. , employee cafeteria on 1st floor. All survivors, family, & friends welcome. Call Faye Miller: 207-2606 or Randy Williams: 232-8553


TOPEKA TWILIGHT LIONS BRANCH CLUB – 3rd Thursdays at 7pm at Lakeview Church of the Nazarene, 2835 SE Croco. Social gathering, guests welcome. Topekalions.org


LINE DANCING – 2nd & 4th Thu. 1:30-3:30 at First Baptist Church, 3033 SW MacVicar Ave. Contact Karen Botkin at 785-945-6785 or Jim Baer at 785-256-2432 or jimbaer73@gmail.com to register.

BRIDGE GROUP – 1st & 3rd Thu. 1- 3:30pm, at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 2021 SW 29th St.  To play, arrangements must be made by Mon. 5pm with Joan Arterburn at 408-5174.


STROKE SUPPORT GROUP – The 1st Friday of every month from 4pm-5pm in the cafeteria of the first floor of Kansas Rehabilitation Hospital, 1504 SW 8th Ave.  Meet other stroke survivors, their families, and hear guest speakers discuss topics related to recovery.  Contact Randy Williams at (785)232-8553 with any questions.

NICOTINE ANONYMOUS – Every Fri., 6:30pm, Town & Country Christian Church Renaissance Room, 4925 SW 29th St., use west door cross red foot bridge. A fellowship of men & women helping each other to live free of nicotine. No fees. 402-321-486; Laboomaha@att.net.


PERRY LECOMPTON FARMERS MARKET – Fridays 4-6:30pm, Bernie’s/Cenex parking lot, Ferguson & Hwy 24


NOTO MARKET & ART WALK ON FIRST FRIDAYS – NOTO arts district. Enjoy arts, antiques, fine crafts, and flea market items.


CELEBRATE RECOVERY – Every Fri., 6pm, 1912 Gage Blvd. A Christ-centered program, based on 8 principles found in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Applying these Biblical principles, become free from addictive & dysfunctional behaviors.  crtopekaks.org.


MOVIES AT EVERGY PLAZA – Second Fridays til fall


Sommerset Cafe

TOPEKA GEM AND MINERAL SOCIETY – 4th Friday of the month. 7:15pm, 1st Congressional Church, 1701 SW Collins.

TOPEKA NAR-ANON FAMILY GROUP – For families & friends who are affected by someone else’s narcotic addiction. Every Mon. @ 7pm; Every Sat. at 10am. First Baptist Church, 3033 SW MacVicar, Enter Door A, Room 211. www.naranonmidwest.org


SATURDAY FAIRLAWN STARTER BIKE RIDE – Every Sat., start at 8am at Classic Bean in Fairlawn Plaza, end at Pizagle’s. Great for beginners. director@cottonwood200.org


HARVESTER’S PROGRAM FOR SENIOR CITIZENS – every second Sat., takes place at Christian Lord Ministries, 2421 SE California. Call 266-4979.




HERBTalk – Topeka herbs study group meets Third Saturdays for fun and interactive group learning and sharing about herbs/medicine plants. 7321 SE 45th, Prairie Meadow Greenhouse. RSVP Amy 785-379-8848. $5.00 cash only charge; Free beverages and herb snack samples. Lunch option $6.00. talkherbswithus@gmail.com

Cosmos Court



TOPEKA FOLK DANCERS CLASSES – Sundays, 2-4pm, 2637 SE 41st St. Dances from 20 countries. No partners or experience necessary. No fee. 215-0968.


OPEN INDOOR COURT PICKLEBALL – Sundays at 4pm, Berryton United Methodist Church (7010 SE Berryton Rd. All ages and abilities welcome.


KANSAS PRAIRIE PICKERS – Fourth Sun. ea. Month, 1pm, Auburn Community Center. Foot-stomping, hand-clapping tunes to tickle your fancy. Concessions available


SQUARE DANCING – Shawnee Swingers has monthly dances and sponsors lessons in the Fall.  For info, call or text 785-845-2357 or email shawneeswingers@gmail.com.  On Facebook: Shawnee Swingers Square Dance Club.  wesquaredance.com




ABORTION RECOVERY SUPPORT – Providing services for women & men who suffer from Post-Abortion Syndrome…we can help mend a broken heart! For info: Kay Lyn at KLCarlson20@cox.net.

AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS – for friends & families of alcoholics. For info: 785-409-3072 or topekaalanon.org


Ryan Shumaker

ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUPS – Monthly support group meetings for caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. For info: Alzheimer’s Association, Heart of America Chapter, 271-1844 or email cindy.miller@alz.org.


HHHS Volunteer Program – Volunteers help keep animal’s environments clean and enriching, socialize with and read to cats, walk dogs, and more. Please complete a volunteer application at hhhstopek.org.


HOPE AND HEALING ACADEMY harnesses the power of horses to transform the human spirit. They are expanding services to address the needs and experiences of first responders and members of the armed forces. For info, call 785-224-4232 or go to www.hopeandhealingacademy.com.


HEALING AFTER LOSS TO SUICIDE (HeALS) Topeka support group meets the 1st Tuesday of each month via Zoom. The 3rd Tuesday meeting is in-person at 1st Congregational Church, 17th and Collins. Both meetings are 6:30-8. Topeka.heals@gmail.com. 785-380-9309


AL-ANON is a support group for families and friends of alcoholics. For information on meetings in the Topeka area, call 785-215-1045 or email ais-topeka@kansas-al-anon.org. All correspondence is confidential


CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUPS – Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging provides opportunities for caregivers to get together and share their ideas & feelings. 235-1367





Send your Healthy Event info to:

Call 785-380-8848 for more information about advertising your event.


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