FEATUREDMental HealthSelf-Care

Living Lies or Truth?

Over the years of coaching others to be the best version of themselves, I sometimes heard, “what good will it do to tell my (kids, parents, family) that truth.” This is why: Experiences are set up as lessons for us so we can grow. If we rob others of the truth, then ultimately, we are robbing them of an opportunity to gain insight and wisdom. My question to you is…Whose secrets are you keeping? I was asked many times to keep secrets… and I did. But then I learned as an adult that when I kept a secret, I was harming my own cells, my own DNA, because I was not living my truth or living by my highest values. That negative energy hurts all of us. Check out Masuro Emoto’s study of water. We are 70% water and the energy behind what we do will impact our cell health.

Being true to yourself is key to both mental, spiritual and physical health. The energy that you add to your message will drive health outcomes for all parties. Next, I would suggest that there are many versions of the truth. The illusion will get in the way if we do not keep an open mind. The version of your TRUTH is not necessarily based upon reality. It is based upon the set of data points that you have at any point in time and may not be all the information that you need to make a decision.


READ:  Releasing Stuck Energy and Trapped Emotions


There are a variety of definitions of the word “truth.” Some believe it is the opposite of fallacy or deception, but I believe that there are multiple illusions or versions of the truth.

Some believe that truth can come from a recognized authority, or from scientific studies. Yet, many authorities and studies manipulate data to get the outcome or story that they wish to tell. Some believe truth is a function of the masses who have the same opinions. But what if there are just a bunch of angry people that share a thought not based upon reality? Maybe they were manipulated by lies, frequencies or chemicals? My truths are a conclusion of what I witness, blended with divinely driven downloads. I hear Him and access His discernment.

Recognized sources are not always speaking truth. We need to teach ourselves to be critical thinkers. We can actively listen to other opinions, so that we can formulate our own truth with the Divine. Do you ever wonder if you are really listening to truth or just someone’s opinion? What is the agenda behind what that person is saying? Is there a money trail? Do they want to sell you something? Are they leading from love or something else? What about someone’s truth about your character? Ten different people can render an opinion about one person. In my experience, everyone has a different version of who that person is.

This is why truth, opinions and lies can be tricky.

Many perceived truths are driven by mass media. But who is driving the media? Are they manipulating the information to get you to do something that is not in alignment with your highest values? Is the information biased?

What is the solution? We can simply ask ourselves, what truths, lies or opinions are we living by? How do those interfere with our joy? To live with opinions is natural. However, we can choose to test our opinions for validity and not impose our truth on others. Of course, fight for your truth if there are crimes against humanity. The truth is, some of our programmed belief systems will drive poor outcomes.  All these activities can bind our lives to anxiety and stress. There is a sense of freedom which comes from internalizing your own truth and belief system. My opinion is that the only validation needed comes from your higher self or Infinite Incorruptible Source Energy. Couple this validation with self-forgiveness and grace for others, as we all find our path in divine timing.

Accessing truth is a form of freedom and clarity. It includes releasing programmed behaviors imprinted from childhood or past lives. When we release these programmed behaviors, we also release judgment and replace it with compassion. We can choose to see the beauty in everyone and love them where they are at. At the end of the day, everyone’s truth will be different. Therein lies the illusion of truth.

To learn more, you can take the Three R’s Program, Remove, Release Receive. There are single sessions and 90-day programs for individuals or partners. This is great for Twin Flame Relationships too! Connect with Rev. Jodi Suson-Calhoun today. 847-738-0242 Jodi@SusonEssentials.com




By Rev. Jodi L. Suson-CalhounSuson Essentials


Certified in NLP, Brain Health, Nutrition, Essential Oils, Divine Intervention Spontaneous Remission, Medical Intuitive, Frequency Medicine, Corporate Wellness, Podcast Host Self-Cell CareTM, Animal Communicator, Motivational Speaker & Trainer

Jodi@SusonEssentials.com      847-738-0242